Today Unpaused Co. Ltd presented 2 cheques from both Lindex & Sun Lab of a total of €4,219 to Gertrude Abela from Europa Donna. We firmly believe in the importance of regular check-ups as well as providing the best support for people who have been diagnosed with breast cancer and those who are in recovery. Sun Lab & Lindex ran this campaign all throughout October and collected 1 euro from every transaction.
For those of you who would like to donate personally to Europa Donna , you may do so by following this link:
Ms Abela the president of Europa Donna Malta added that now that Pink October has passed does not mean that we have to forget about breast cancer awareness till next year. Breast Health is in our hands, we have to stay alert for any changes we notice and check with our doctor/ nurse if we are worried about any unusual signs we notice. As Europa Donna Malta we advocate being breast aware all year round. WE organize events, talks and distribute information about how to do a breast self- examination regularly. We offer support to women and their families when they are diagnosed. Breast cancer is the most common cancers among women and girls.